Wser.inp and restan.out

Hi, may i ask you two questions?
i am EFDC beginner and learning by myself. so i am sorry to ask you detail questions.
first of all, i am simulating model and i wanted to know what is the different characteristics of current by only different wind direction on the shallow water bay. In order to simulate what i wanted on overall area, wser.inp file is needed and i set parameter to 1 on EFDC.inp card 14 (NWSER). So VELVECH.out file is already considered wind effects? or should i change other parameters in EFDC.inp in order to extract current data(U,V) which is considered wind effects (for drawing current distribution)? Furthermore, i think that EFDC.PAR also should be changed such as NGWSERM, NDGWSER, NWSERM, NDWSER. However, i am not sure what they mean exactly.

Second question is how to extract TIDE-INDUCED RESIDUAL CURRENT and change EFDC.INP? is it related with RESTRAN.OUT file? what dose RESTAN.OUT file exactly mean?[/size]

Hello Heeralee,

Welcome to the forum. I think some of the options you are referring to are from the EFDC EPA model. For example the EFDC model from Dynamic Solutions doesn’t require you to provide the separate EFDC.PAR file. To simulate the model with different wind directions, you just need to have the time series of wind speed (m/s) and wind direction. To specify the wind time series in EFDC Explorer go to the Domain option and you will see a text label “Number of INput Tables and Series”. There you will see “Winds” and text 'E" written next to it. Click on E and change number of series to “1” and Current series to “1”. Then you can copy your wind time series in the text field on the right side.

After you finish the simulation, to extract velocity is very easy. You need to go to “View 2D Plan of Grid and Data” and then under viewing options find “Velocities”. You can then click on the time series button on the top and click on the cells where you want to extract the time series.

I hope it helps.

Let us know if you have any further questions. Please consider creating another question if you have a different question.

Janesh Devkota