Where to get the data of meteorological condition

Dear professor,
I have some troubles preparing the boundary condition of meteorological condition . Where can I find the data of solar shortwave radiation, evaporation and cloud in Beijing,China? I heard that there is a website where the data can be downloaded. Could you please give me a linkage of the website? Thank you very much!

Ravina wrote: Dear professor,
I have some troubles preparing the boundary condition of meteorological condition . Where can I find the data of solar shortwave radiation, evaporation and cloud in Beijing,China? I heard that there is a website where the data can be downloaded. Could you please give me a linkage of the website? Thank you very much!
Dear Ravina,
This is very good question, i think. You can go to this below website for downloading your atmospheric data.


Best regards,
// Tinh

Dear Tinh,
Thank you so much for your help!
The atmospheric still need the data of solar shortwave radiation, evaporation and cloud. But I can’t find these data, am I missed them on the website you offered? Could you please show me where to get them?
It’s very kind of you to answer my question, thank you again!

Dear Ravina Yes, the solar radiation and evaporation are not there. These values you have to get from nearby station to your area. But the cloud is there in the last column. You can base on the condition to convert to cloud rate. ie. 0 is clear condition and 1 is rain condition. Hope this helps. // Tinh

Dear Tinh,
Thank you for your explain, do you know where to download the data of solar shortwave radiation and evaporation by the way?
Thank you very much!

Hi Ravina,

You can register in the website of China Meteorological Administration and download the data freely. The download page is http://cdc.cma.gov.cn/
You can register for a common user online. You can get almost all daily data if you become a core user by signing an agreement.

You can also download global meteorological data online in the following website http://gis.ncdc.noaa.gov/map/viewer/#app=clim&cfg=cdo&theme=hourly&layers=1&node=gis

Please join the QQ group (35267613) and you can discuss any question with about 500 EE users online.

You can also find Chinese materials in our website 首页-北京态图环境技术有限公司

Luke Chen
Beijing Tetoc Inc.

Users in the USA can find links to data here: https://www.eemodelingsystem.com/user-center/modeling-resources/data-sets/usa Cloud cover can be found in the National Climate Data Centre (NCDC) link. Note that cloud cover is required for both the Full Heat Balance and the Equilibrium Temperature approaches to compute long wave back radiation. This is because when there is cloud cover, the ground is “insolated”. i.e. clear nights are colder than cloudy nights.