What's the role of "max(um)" table? Do not know how to input number into the tab

According to the knowledgebase(https://eemodelingsystem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/HOW/pages/140837467/Sediment+Bed+Core+Initialization), I tried to use “Data Format B-10 Sediment Cores with Grainsize DSM Format” to describe a bed with sand somewhere, and silt elsewhere. I almost succeed, but have questions below:(1) What is “max(um)” table used for, and how to input the number? In “Sed_Core1.png”, I leave it alone and an error “Bad size specification” occur. When I give it a value (e.g., 99 um), EE read my core file successfully (“Sed_Core2.png”). I don’t know what does “max(um)” table mean? I cannot find any information in EE knowledgebase.I think my core file is right because I generated it using “Ctrl+T”, and it is imported anyway, though I use a “99um” value.(2) If my sediment bed is 1 layer, what is the meaning when I use core file with several depth? For example, in depth=0.3m, there is grading curve; in depth=0.6m, there is another graving curve. Will the EE change the layer from one to 2 layers automatically?

About question(1), my core question is: What’s the difference between this diameter table and another “Diameter (um) [Viewing only]” in Cohesives Tab (see “Diameter_which.jpg”)? What diameter is the “true” diameter?I find parts of its answer. “Max(um)” means: The “Max (μm)” sediment diameters, one for each sediment class, are needed to break the sediment grainsize curves into ranges. These diameters are not the class diameters but represent the grainsize breakpoints whose geometric mean of the upper and lower limits is the corresponding sediment class’ diameter. However, I still don’t understand :(1) why "These diameters are not the class diameters but represent the grainsize breakpoints "? And how can we determine their values? I find this explanantion in https://eemodelingsystem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EEREF/pages/2380110/Sediment+Bed+Construction

Q1: That is the maximum grainsize for each size lass. Assuming you have 2 non-cohesive sediment size classes. Previous tab you set for median grain size for each class. Here you define the maximum grain size for that sediment class.Q2: EE will help you to interpolate the sediment cores to your model domain based on the locations you given in the file… Hope this helps.