Wetting and drying problems during a river simulation

I’m trying to model a very short river, during the simulation i’ve observed that some of my cells presents problems related whith wetting/drying option. These are located in a short lenght whith a very high slope, particulary before my model crashes, the water surface present an oscillating wave behavior poduct of numerical instabilities. At the beginning i though that the problems were related with my boundary conditions (flow at the upstream and a structure downstream) but now i dont think so.
I allready tried to reduce my time step and modify my eddys but i still have this kind of poblems in my model,
what should i try now?

Please set -99 or -11 in the Flag box at the Wetting/Drying Option for increasing the stabilization of your model.

Thank you for answering, i have already solved the problem. The instabilities were related with the value that i chose to the Zo (bottom roughtness), due to the high speed the flux developed in the high slope zone, this parameter has shown to be a very sensible one.
But thanks again for the answer.

scardon9 wrote: Hi,
Thank you for answering, i have already solved the problem. The instabilities were related with the value that i chose to the Zo (bottom roughtness), due to the high speed the flux developed in the high slope zone, this parameter has shown to be a very sensible one.
But thanks again for the answer.

It is good to know this. Thank you for that.