Water age time series

Should we attach any significance to the white stripes that appear in some water age time series and not in others?Examples of each are attached.ThanksBL

Hi William,My initial reaction is that you should not attach any significance to it.I personally have not encountered this issue in my own work with EE. It appears to me you are showing the same plot here, and it looks to me like it is just some display problem. Perhaps some setting for the plot was changed? I am not sure.Do the number of colored bars in the bottom image match the number of vertical layers in the model? That could be one possible clue.Are you using the latest version downloaded from the eemodelingsystem.com website? If not I would recommend giving that a try.https://www.eemodelingsystem.com/user-center/downloadsHope that helps,Tom

Hi Tom,These figures were generated using the Tenkiller Ferry Lake EFDC model downloaded from the U.S. EPA (link below). The model was run by us without changes, except for activating the water age option of the dye module. We are using it as a guide for developing components of our model, especially sediment diagenesis.The number of bars apparently do correspond to the number of layers. (This model does use SGZ layering.) The settings for the figures include color scheme and range for water age and axis scales (x & y). Changing them seems to have no effect on the bars. We are running EE8.8.4 release 181128, which is the most recent allowed by our license.We would like to include similar figures from our model (without bars) in our report, as they contain useful information that adds to the understanding of other model results. Any further guidance you can provide would be appreciated.Thanks,Bill LTenkiller Ferry Lake model download:https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2018-04/lake_model.zip

A couple more questions, I could just be a little confused.What was the difference in what you did between the first image and second image you showed? Did you change the x&y range or some other settings and then this occurred after those changes?This has jogged my memory a bit, and I believe I have encountered this issue in a prior version of EE when I was generating time series contour plots and trying to change the x&y axis range. What I saw was a bit different than what you show here, but I believe it was a bug that was patched in version 8.5.I would suggest sending an e-mail to support@eemodelingsystem.com and we can see what we can do to help you fix this issue from here.Thank you,Tom

Tom,The two figures are time series for water age at two different locations in the model domain. At (i,j)=(19.44), there are no bars, while at (i.j)=(13,12), there are white bars. The x&y ranges were not changed in these figures-they are the default values selected by the software. Our experience has been that changing these ranges has no effect on the occurrence of the bars. This effect seems to be location dependent.We will reach out to the support team as you have suggested.Thanks again,Bill L

This issue has been resolved in 10.1.2. Thanks for the recommendation to update.