ViewPlan Error in EE5

Hi, I am editing bathymetry data manually (fine tuning) in EE view grid mode. But after the edits, as I try to save the model I get run time error 9: subscript out of range. What is happening? Please help me out. Rumana

What version of EE are you using? Make sure you are using the latest version of the EFDC_Explorer exe downloadable from this website. Let us know if that doesn’t fix the issue.

I am using EFDC Explorer version 5. Why do I need to have exe just to save the model? I am not running the model, it is just not getting saved after the edits.

I am sorry, we cannot provide support at this stage for EE5. We are now at release for EE7.1 which you will find a significantly improved and more robust version of EE. We recommend you upgrade.


Are all of your cells assigned bathymetry while editing ? May be you might have one or two cells where you might not have specified the bathymetry. I also remember sometimes model being crashed while using EE5. Please make sure you have bathymetry specified to all the cells and keep saving your model often.


Hello Janesh,
So nice to hear from you. Yes all of my cells are assigned with bathymetry. We were running the model with this bathymetry data. Then I found some large negative surface temperatures in some cells and I figured that in those cells there are sharp difference in bathymetry between adjacent cells. So I started manually editing the depth and bottom elevation of those cells. But as I said, after edits when I tried saving the model it is not saving and giving me the error message.



If you want, you can send your input files for me to look. As I checked I still have EFDC Explorer 5 installed in my machine.


Thanks a lot Janesh. I will send them in email.
