Time-variable atmospheric dry deposition

Dear EFDC developers, Good day! I would like to know whether EE starts providing an option of the time-variable atmospheric dry deposition. I’ve asked this question a few years ago and I would like to know whether it is available now or when it can be available. I’m simulating the transport of toxic chemicals that are fall from the air, so I really want to use this option! Thanks in advance. Sincerely,Minjeong

Hi Minjeong,Thank you for your question. This is something we have planned on adding for awhile and are just now getting around to.Right now we are planning to release this feature with EFDC_Explorer 10.1 later this month or in early November.Tom

Dear Tom,That sounds perfect. The coming EE 10.1 includes the time-variable atmospheric dry deposition not only in the water quality module, but also in the toxic module? I need the latter one. I’m looking forward to using it ASAP! Sincerely,Minjeong

Hi Minjeong,Yes,we do plan on include this capability for the toxic module in the upcoming EE10.1 too!Stay tuned!Szu-Ting Lee