Time series sediment concentration and DSM file

Dear All,
1. How to set time series concentration, both cohesive and non cohesive/
I use modify/edit BC properties frame - concentration table to input the time series concentration. but the concentration table check box for cohesive and non cohesive still 0. and in boundary condition definitions/group frame - current BC information for flow BC- both cohesive and non cohesive are set to constant concentration.
2. In the sediment bed model- initial condition tab when clicking apply then appear message error reading DSM file, i used B-10 DSM format file to use sediment cores with grainzise.


Dear Dyah Ari,

dyah2012 wrote: 1. How to set time series concentration, both cohesive and non cohesive/ I use modify/edit BC properties frame - concentration table to input the time series concentration. but the concentration table check box for cohesive and non cohesive still 0. and in boundary condition definitions/group frame - current BC information for flow BC- both cohesive and non cohesive are set to constant concentration.
Thank for your questions. You can use this below option to set your time series of the cohesive and non-cohesive sediment. These are usually equally to some ratio with the inflow rate.
dyah2012 wrote: 2. In the sediment bed model- initial condition tab when clicking apply then appear message error reading DSM file, i used B-10 DSM format file to use sediment cores with grainzise.
You can use these parameters as following for your initial conditions of your model. You might want to modify it to be suitable with your own case later on. In order to set the initial sediment bed, we have been developing a useful tools to make a new sediment cores or load and edit an existing a sediment core. You need to go to 2D-plan view and browser for Sediment Bed option as shown in below figure. Then, you press “Ctrl+T” and choose some options there. If you need to make a new sediment core, what you need is the locations of your sampling data and grain size passing percent analysis. If you have those, you just copy and paste there then save to a new Sediment core. Finally, this new sediment core will be loaded in the initial condition Tab to integrate to the model. Hope this helps. Best regards, Tinh

Dear Xuantinh,
Thank you for your answer. Its help me, but i am still confused.
1. time series concentration
In sediment frame and domain-Boundary condition frame, I have 8 series both cohesive and non cohesive in the check box.
But in modify/edit BC properties the check box is still 0 and in the boundary condition definition/group both cohesive and non cohesive still set to constant.
I have 8 tributaries and each tributary have a series.
2. sediment core
in view plan if i used ‘load core’ : error reading DSM file! aborting
if i used define new core its ok but how to input the data if i have 3 thickness in one location?
example :
x:488285 y:9118215 z:134.6
thickness 1 : 0.40
2000 850 250 75 31 16 5 1.3
100.00 99.60 98.60 94.80 86.00 75.00 66.50 64.00
thickness 2: 0.40
9500 2000 850 250 75 31 16 5 1.3
100.00 99.90 99.40 98.80 95.70 88.00 82.00 72.00 66.00
thickness 3: 1.70
9500 2000 850 250 75 31 16 5 1.3
100.00 99.10 97.70 94.90 92.10 86.50 80.00 69.00 62.50

Thanks before,