Thermal Stratification Modeling

Where can I found more information about ‘Full Heat Balance’ computation method used in EFDC Explorer?
What does it mean by Full Heat Balance?

dumby08 wrote: Where can I found more information about 'Full Heat Balance' computation method used in EFDC Explorer?
What does it mean by Full Heat Balance?

Hi ,

In EFDC the information about Full heat balance can be found on "CALHEAT.FOR" subroutine.



Thanks a lot. I have one more question:
I am not an expert in Fortran, just a beginner. I have started looking into subroutines but is there any other source available other than the Fortran subroutine?



I am afraid there is not any other source available than the Fortran code. You can open the fortran code via some editor such as notepad++ or any other software and look through the code. There is description for each single process so it should be fairly easy to follow.

Hello John,
I took your advice and opening the Fortran using text-editor. It is a great help indeed.
I have one more question, may be little complicated this time:

As you know I am trying to model thermal stratification for a lake and we have started to get some target result very recently.
Right now I am viewing and making movies/profiles of simulated lake temperature through EFDC Explorer.
But if I want to save this temperature data in a output file how do I do that?
I have 20 vertical layers and temperature is displaying as a parameter of water column in EFDC Explorer.



You can save the temperature data for a particular layer or depth averaged data into the text file. If you go to view plan and the water column then on the top of the window you will see the button “E”. When you click on that it would prompt you to choose and save the file in your computer. If you want to export the time series you can follow the same steps as described. I hope this helps.



Hello John,
Thanks once again.
I am using EE version 5. Well I clicked on EFDC Profiler button and displayed my result (water column temperature) for I=10 and then clicked E button to save it on .dat format, but the file was empty.
I don’t know how to attach image here but in your email I sent you screenshots of what exactly I did.


Hi Rumana,

EFDC Explorer doesn’t have that capability yet. If you export the data on the profiler it would export the file but with zero kb this means that is empty. So, you cannot export the data from the profiler. I myself tried that before but it didn’t work.


Thanks John,
If I anyhow figure out a way to save it, I will let you know.


Hello Janesh,
Problem is solved. I exported data as tecplot file in ViewPlan mode (TP button, EFDC Explorer 5 version), which can be opened by any text editor.
And you can choose for time series as well.
