The types of data in EE_wq.out

In EE_WQ.out file, I konw that the data is binary , but how many bytes do a data occupied? After converting it to decimal, are these data Integer,real?thank you .

Hello, Your question is not that clear. How are you changing the file to decimal ? Are you using some kind of utility function developed by Dynamic SOlutions ? If you haven’t used that then I encourage you to use that. You can download the utility on There are two versions, one for matlab and one for Fortran. If this doesn’t answer you question, can you rephrase or explain your question in more detail ? Thanks. Janesh

yes,I want to use utility function to convert the binary file, eg.EE_WQ.out,to decimal,Can the GETEFDC.exe to meet my requirements? by the way,Does the MAPPGNS.INP file is mandatory? why does my model not generate this file? Without this file, does this utility(getefdc.exe) be in use?thank you.

I think you don’t need MAPPGNS.INP to run the utility function. MAPPGNS.INP file is created when you import two different model grids while creating a new model in EFDC Explorer. Your model doesn’t generate this because probably you have used only one grid. When you have more than one subgrids, then EFDC automatically preserve all the grids and saves those information on MAPPGNS.Inp.

Hope it helps.


Thank you for you answer.

In the fortran version,there is an error occured when run the getefdc.exe, the error is ‘GROUP:C9A not found before end of file, unexpected end of input file.’,I think that this maybe because card C9A(vertical space-related parameters) is not exit in my efdc.inp, but why my C9A not generated by my model? Thank you.

This question has been solved, thank you.

Yes. We updated the GETEFDC Fortran utility in response to your question.

Do you have the getefdc Fortran utility that march to the EFDC-Explorer 4? if so, can you sent it to me ? My email, thank you.

Sorry, we only have this utility for EE6 and later.

thank you very much.By the way,My water quality model can be run smoothly in EE-4 while not in the EE-7,in EE-7,at the beginning the run, the model promot is “floating are divided by zero”,so what should i do? thank you.

thank you very much.My water quality model can be run smoothly in EE-4 while not in the EE-7,in EE-7,at the beginning the run, the model promot is “floating are divided by zero”,so what should i do? thank you.

Thank you very much.My water quality model can be run smoothly in EE-4 while not in the EE-7,in EE-7,at the beginning the run, the model promot is “floating are divided by zero”,so what should i do? thank you.