The sediment flux

when i extracted the time series of sediment flux, what does the time in the horizontal axis mean? I setted that the starting time and end time is 213 and 243,respetively. but the time displayed in the horizontal axis is from 24 to 252, why? thank you.

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Normally EE extracts the model output rather than input values. Despite these not being computed values EE should still report the input values. We will look into this issue and get back to you on it.

when I set the spatial varying benthic flux, I clicked the “specified spatially/Temporally varying fluxes” and “set zones”, why the SOD parameter can not be selected ? then i selected the “Mud zone”. when i saved the model, the model poped the caution, the attacted file is the caution, can you tell me how to set the spatial varying benthic flux correctly? Thank you.

the caution is “WQBENMAP.INP Warning! Not all of the active cells assigned mud/sand”

If specifying spatially varying benthic flux then the user must set a benthic flux map – so this just a warning that if you haven’t set the mapping for the various rates then you need to set it.

After i have configured the model with spatial varying sediment flux, I checked this configuration via EE viewplan, I found that the SOD value in one zone is not the one i setted in the model. for example, i divided the study area into three regions, each region has its SOD value, -6,-5,-4, but the value is -6,-4.5,-4 respectively in the viewplan, so i want to know why, thank you.

when i reloaded this saved model, the information relate to division is absent in the viewplan, why? thank you.

Can you tell me how to set the spatial varying flux step by step? Thank you.

  1. If we use “Spatially & temporally constant” then the SOD of zone on ViewPlan (2D planview) is the same with what is set 2. If we use the “Specified spatially/Temporally varying fluxes” then the SOD value of ViewPlan will be adjusted as follows: SOD value = xMud * WQC47(6, 1, IBENMAP(L, 1)) + (1 - xMud) * WQC47(6, 1, IBENMAP(L, 2)) which means SOD(time1) = xMud * sod(zone1,time1) + (1 - xMud) * sod(zone2,time1) • Where xMud = percent Mud /100 So SOD is affected by percent mud for that zone.

Thank you very much, so I want to know what does the block time mean?

EFDC allows for multiple user defined sets of WQ sediment fluxes. This allows the user to change the fluxes seasonally, annually, or on whatever temporal basis the model needs. For each set/time block the user assigns a fixed flux for each constituent. The flux rates do not change during the time set for the block but can change from one time block to the next. The default is no time blocks, i.e. there is only one period that is constant. However, the user can configure as many time blocks as needed.

Ok,I know, thank you.

If i set the spacial and temporal varying flux in the model, I want to know how the model decided the value of SOD in one zone, Is the percent of mud in that zone multiply the SOD which is set in the model?
Another question is that you told me that SOD(time1) = xMud * sod(zone1,time1) + (1 - xMud) * sod(zone2,time1) , I want to know the value of SOD(time 1) is for which zone. Thank you.

We are working on a guidance document to put on our website which will provide more detailed guidance on this issue.