The original time of tidal phase

how to match the start time of model with the original time of tidal phase?how to set in the software?thank you

To do this you will need to know what the expected tidal level and phase should be at the start of your model run. Then when you edit the harmonic tidal series (E button in the Modify/Edit BC Properties form) you can set the phase appropriately.

I have the harmonic constants of my study area,so what can I do with them?by the way,Does the expected tidal level and phase is just the harmonic constants?thx.

Please see the image below for an example of how harmonic constituents may be used in EE. The tide frame “symbol” and “period” are constants but need to be entered manually by the user as there are many different constituents possible. You may need to use the angular frequency for a given constituent to convert from angle (degrees) to phase (seconds) depending on how your harmonic constituents have been provided to you. {REMOVED}

Thank you very much.