Structure boundary error

Dear EFDC Team,
I have to run the model with structure type of boundary. In the midle of running, the running is crash because of :
single val control structure table out of bounds
NCTL, NCTLT, IU, JU, ID, JD : 1 1 131 188 130 188
SELU, HU, SELD, HD : 0,1550E+00 0,1050E+00 0,0000E+00 0,1000E-01
Can you advise me what is happening and why ?

Hi Dyah Ari,

The error “Single value control structure table out of bounds” means that the values don’t lie in the range specified in the rating table / flow look up table specified.

We want to inform you that EE7.2 has a significantly improved user interface with 6 different flow control types. They are as follows:
a. Flow derived from upstream depth
b. Flow derived from elevation difference
c. Flow derived from elevation difference and flow accelerations
d. Flow derived from US and DS elevations
e. Flow derived from upstream depth with low chord
f. Flow derived from elevation difference with low chord.

The new interface also displays head look up equations which change for different “flow control type”, and also allows the user to specify the offset for the current upstream / downstream cell.

I hope it helps.

Janesh Devkota