Setup Grid Layers program

I want to simulate changes in water temperature in a river pool. When setting the grid layer(SGZ layer), the system crashes. If setting Standard Sigma, Program cannot simulate correctly, shown this message.
I don’t know how to solve it…thank you

The message about MPI topology is not the issue. It just give users the information on the MPI subdomains. What does it say about your model run is that you run it with only 1 subdomain and does not involve the parallel computation with MPI.
I think the issue that caused the model crashed may be in the setting of the boundary condition. Could you please check it especially when using SGZ. Also, it would be great if you can send us the screenshot of the console when the model crashes so we may tell you what really happens.
Thank you,

Hello Kien,
When I use the SGZ layer settings, I set the software window to close directly after pressing the OK button. There is no way to capture a picture of the system crashing. The EFDC_Explorer version is 10.3.10.

If you don’t mind could you send me the model that use SGZ so I can check it.

Hello Kien,
No problem, how do I send the model to you?