Set up Open boundary condition

I was able to solve the problem with the kind answers of EE team before.I would like to ask about boundary condition input.Harmonic constants were set and applied in the model(each grid).The problem is that it does not apply to boundary water temperature and salinity time series value for each grid.In EE, however, the input was applied to each grid(each grid click and input).However, because there are a lot of open boundaries, it is inefficient in time, so it is input to efdc.inp(c47) but it is not applicable.I need your team’s help. Thank you(my mistake… final file (sser.inp, tser.inp)

my mistake.plz remove before file

I meant to reply to your message yesterday, but never submitted it.Just from looking at your model, I would encourage you to try first with a simpler setup. Perhaps have 1 harmonic series, 1 temperature, and 1 salinity series along each edge of the domain, and see if it produces good results. If the performance is not satisfactory, then break it down to a more granular level.I’m curious what all your temperature and salinity information is based on. What led you to pursue such a granular approach to the open boundaries?

Thank you tomI want to input the harmonic constant value for each grid.There are a lot of open boundaries, it is inefficient in time, so it is input to efdc.inp(c17).I want to have a different group.For example, if you have 100 south open boundaries, you want to enter 100 different groups(HeadS01, HeadS02…, HeadS100)However, the boundary group is continuously set as one group and stored.(Only HeadS01)

The other alternative way to avoid the multiple time-series at the open boundary, you can generate the several time-series long your Open BC, e.g. at north end, south end and middle locations, and then use the BC interpolation to generate for in between cells automatically. I think your model domain is small enough to satisfy the spatial harmonic water level difference. By using this method, it also more easier to assign the time-series of temperature and salinity BCs.