Representation of vegetation in a wetland

Hi all!
three questions, I am working in a wetland with a considerable presence of vegetation, I’m reviewing the guidance of EE, in the section which speaks of vegetation. As for the table to be filled on the types of vegetation, how do I know which pigeonhole the vegetation that exists in my area of study?
in the table are boxes “veg class 1” “veg class 2” … how I classify vegetation that exists in my area of study?
How do I make a map of vegetation? I could not do it
And the last question, if I configure the table for the Vegetation class parameters , also should I load a “poly file” with the vegetation map?

really, thank you so much

Vegetation classes are user defined – you need to look at your study area and data to determine what significant vegetation classes you have. For simple models you may not require this level of detail and the issue of vegetation can be ignored. As a modeler you need to analyze the vegetation data and parameterize it for each class based on the descriptions in the Vegetation Class Options form. You need to then make a map of vegetation using polygons – a separate polygon is used to define the area for each class. The polygon is then matched to its vegetative class with the Apply Cell properties form as described in section 5.7.3 of the EE7.2 and EE7.3 user guides. You can look at the Lake Okechoobee example on our website as an example of how this has been configured in a working model.