Question? Forced Evaporation in EE8.2

Dear users,

I have a question regarding how to turn on Forced Evaporation in EE8.2 version, the user manual is based on EE7.9, which has different interface on this part. My action is to turn the Atmospheric Parameter “TWet.Field 0-Wet Bulb 1-Rel Hum” to 1, but I couldn’t find the Parameter of “Internally Computer Evaporation” as indicated in EE7.9 manual. Could anyone give some suggestions on that?

Thanks in advance for any little help!


I would recommend you look at the online EE Knowledge Base for the most up to date user information. For your question I think it is related to the surface heat exchange option rather than forced evaporation. This options is available for Equilibrium Temperature and Full Heat balance options. You can see where it is set in Fig 2 here: