Quality and Hydrodinamic computed separately

I have read that it´s posible to run the quality model separately from the hydrodinamic one.
I am working with a 10 years period of simulación with a time step of 4 seconds. It takes aproximately 24 hours. Once the hydrodinamic model is calculated it would be very interesting to introduce cell by cell and step by step, the 10 years hydrodinamic simulation.The quality variables during the same period would be calculated from the hydrodinamic one but taking less time.
How can I implement this odtion?

Thank you very much.


The EFDC WQ model is a fully coupled model so it is not possible to run it separately from the hydrodynamics. You could use WASP as a decoupled model, but as you will see in our analysis, EFDC runs faster with WQ on that than the WASP model so there are no advantages to that approach. https://www.eemodelingsystem.com/user-center/help and go to the item WASP7-EFDC Linkage