Problem with EFDC_DSI_OMP run

Hi, is there anyone who encountered that the EFDC_DSI_OMP run does not work?I sat 6 threads to run my model, but at last it only used 1 thread to finish it, which is quite time consuming. Is it because my OS is Windows 10 or some other reasons? Many thanks for your response in advance!I have attached the screenshot when I sat the number of threads and what it displayed when it finished.

Which version of EFDC_DSI_OMP are you using?

Hey, Tom. Thanks for your response, I am useing version 7.1

I am having the same problum of OMP, I am using version 7.0

This may be an issue with the new licensing. Did you receive a new license code and setup package from us? We will look into it and let you know what we find as soon as we can.

We have determined that there is an issue with OMP version with the updated licensing. If you have are having a problem please email us at telling us your license code and the version of EE you are using and we will send you an updated setup package.

Hello, could you please share the 7.0 version of EFDC software

If you need source code, please email us at