Please advice my study


i’m a student in korea.

My research topic is a particle tracking reproduced in accordance with the wind and tidal in west sea korea.
i have done input tidal, wind yet input my efdc.inf
i used open boundary data Nao99jb.

When you run a model by entering the value of elevation values birds came out very smaller than measured values.

i have add attached my efdc files . Please advice my study

thank you Attached files (1.2 MB) 


I checked your model. It seems you have only attached few files. However, the files containing information about drifter and boundary conditions are missing. I can see that your model is really a large model. You might want to do some testing with smaller number of grids because it would take long time when you have more grid cells.

I am still struggling to figure out the meaning of following:
“When you run a model by entering the value of elevation values birds came out very smaller than measured values.”

Without further information I am not sure how can I help you. Please explain in more detail what problem you are having ? What is it that you are trying to achieve etc.


Janesh Devkota

Thank you for your answer

i have some questions.

Q1) EFDC can run as large model? ( my study area west sea in korea.)

Q2) Now, i only enter open boundary value through NAO99jb(tidal model ) value , i have run my model & i have extracted elevation time series in order to verification with Actual some tidal observations. but i can checked The difference between the actual observations and the model results was much.

Q3) My research object is Analysis moving route of foreign marine debris in winter west sea that utilizing numerical model(efdc) and satellite location tracking buoy.

So, my plan is that using Lagrangian particle tracking when case1 (only tidal current) , case 2( tidal current + sea surface wind).

i have study efdc alone, I have struggling to figure out card image 1~90…

I would like to receive your help. please advice my reaserch. thank you

Q1) EFDC can run as large model? ( my study area west sea in korea.)
Yes, EFDC can run such large model.

Q2) Now, i only enter open boundary value through NAO99jb(tidal model ) value , i have run my model & i have extracted elevation time series in order to verification with Actual some tidal observations. but i can checked The difference between the actual observations and the model results was much.
I saw that you have assigned boundary conditions on only two cells. I would suggest you to assign the boundaries on all the eastern cells and northern cells. So, it is very important to assign boundary conditions to more than one cells if flow exchange takes place at all of those cells.

I would suggest you to increase your model domain and define boundary as shown in the figure below. Make sure to assign boundary conditions to all the cells within east and south boundary.

I am sure the boundary conditions will depend based on the data available.

Yes, you can use Lagrangian particle tracking but the first step is to define proper domain for your study area and defining the boundary conditions properly. Most of the option in card 1~90 are incorporated in EFDC Explorer. So, check several options on EE and make sure you specify all the boundaries, initial conditions, model parameters etc.

Creating a good model is an iterative process. Good luck with your study and ask more questions as you go along with the study.

Janesh Devkota

Thank you for your advice.

i have a question. i have used ee5 ( i am a student).
when i use ee7.0 web version , i can’t open my ee. because ee7 just open cell 2000.

can i use Lagrangian particle traking at ee5( so many particle) ?

The WEB versions of EE are just for simple demonstration purposes and so it limits the number of cells that can be used to 2,000. If you want to build a larger model you will need to purchase EE. Generous discounts are available to universities.

Thank you for your answer

i have another question.
Q1.ee5 is not Set velocity of drifter ?? my ee5 not web version.
because when i set drifter.inp and wser.inp at ee5 parking moving so slow…
Q2. how can i set that drifter moving more fast ??

Q3. how can set some particle emitting every 60 seconds??
Q4. how can i set Horizontal and Vertical Diffusivity valuse?.. please advce

ps. because i have only ee5 version. and i can’t use ee7 in my study(i’m student and i can’t purchase ee7…) & ee7 trial just 30 days, ee7 web version and particle limited 2000.

Q1 You are correct, EE5 does not have the option to set the settling velocity of the drifter. That is only available in later releases of EE.
Q2 I am not sure what you mean by this - the drifters move with the velocity field.
Q3 Again, this option was not available in EE5 - it was added later.
Q4 In EE5 and later releases of EE the vertical and horizontal diffusivities are set under the tab Hydrodynamics > Turbulence Options > Modify button


I am a new user and I’ve started recently to learn the software and become familiar with that. I have a quick question. I am using CVL Grid to create a mesh. I don’t know how can I make sure that splines are drawn correctly and are in the best position to create a very orthogonal grid? I am reading the manual but It did not explained it clearly. Would you please guide me? Do you know any other document or video that shows creating grid?


Hi, I would like to encourage you to create a new thread or post if you are asking question not related to the original post. We have video tutorials which show how to use CVLGrid to create a mesh. You can also look at our CVL grid user guide which shows all the features that help you create grids ranging from simple to really complex. Here is the link where you can watch all the videos from DSI on EFDC_Explorer and CVLGrid.

Thank you much for your guidance. I watched video tutorials and downloaded the user guide but it just showed the features and did not explain how to create grid in details. For instance, the size of grid, or if the grids should have same size? etc . Maybe I am using other manual.