NetCDF output in EFDC+ 8.5

Hi all,I’ve downloaded EFDC+ 8.5 from GitHub - many thanks for the model has being in open source now. Now I’m trying to run examples from the SampleModels folder. In order to get results in netcdf format I’ve tuned c91, c91a, b cards in efdc.inp-file, but the netcdf output hasn’t been written.Am I missing something? Used pre-compiled binary EFDCPlus_085_OMP_190819_DPx64.exe from …EFDC\ReleaseDP64\ folder.Attached is the part of my efdc.inp file.Kind regards,Dmytro

Hi Zander,OK. I appreciate your help with that.

Hi ,bro, I have got the same problem,how do you solve it ?