Making the Sediment Bed from cores

After definig the sediment cores file (I suppose rightly as I followed the data Format B-10) in order to make the sediment bed, I am unable to edit them. In the View Plan it´s only shown the ID of each core but not the point where it´s exactly located, so I can´t select it to edit, copy or anything else.

Thank you

With the lastest version of EE7.1, you might not need to prepare the ediment cores file (as shown in the Format B-10). You can do as following; 1. Go to the Sediment Tab in the 2D PlanView 2. Press “Ctrl+T” and RMC/ Define New Core 3. Enter all parameters there like X,Y locations, Thichness, … and Grainsize Analysis. 4. Add more Sediment Layer by click to Add button. 5. Choose another location if you want. 6. RMC and choose Save Cores to save it. This will export exactly same as the Format B-10. Finally, you can assign this file as initial sediment bed to make interpolation for the bathymetry. Hope this helps. Thank you.

Yes, I have defined the cores from the 2D View Plan, following the process you have just indicated in your post.
But the problem is that spite the format of the core file is right - as it has been defined from View Plan- the points where they are located are not shown in the ViewPlan Screen, so I am unable to edit them.
Moreover, it´s surprising that after doing the interpolation from the cores, all the thickness core is attributed to one only bed layer. Even in the Tra Khuc example, download from web, I have realised that if you click to do the interpolation of bed sediments, only one of the 8 layers have the thickness which is the one of nearest core, while the other layers don´t have any thickness. (see attached file). I don´t understand.
I am workin with
Thank you very much

Sorry I had a problem during the wrriting of the last post… I am working with 7.1 version. Thank you very much Cinta

Cinta wrote: Moreover, it´s surprising that after doing the interpolation from the cores, all the thickness core is attributed to one only bed layer. Even in the Tra Khuc example, download from web, I have realised that if you click to do the interpolation of bed sediments, only one of the 8 layers have the thickness which is the one of nearest core, while the other layers don´t have any thickness. (see attached file). I don´t understand.
please change the Number of Initial Layers as shown in the photos to make the interpolations. Normally this number should less than the total number of sediment layers. {REMOVED} Cheers, // Tinh

Thank you very much. Your info has been so useful!!! Does anyone can explain me the reason why my cores are not editable? (see attached file). And why the position of them are not dispalyed? Thank you again