Macroalgae supported

Is the macroalgae option in the EFDC_EPA version supported in EFDC_Explorer or EFDC_DSI code?

Hi Jeff,

Thank you for your question. Yes, we can confirm that macrophytes and macroalgae are supported in both the EFDC_DSI code and the EFDC_Explorer6 program. We are also anticipating including rooted macrophytes some time in the near future.

EFDC_Explorer Development Team

Thanks for the reply. I see the macroalgae button on the Algae screen, but it is not active. And I have not found a way to activate it. Is there a switch I need check in EE6 to activate macroalgae. Or does the macroalgae option need to be implemented directly from the EFDC text file. By the way, I’m using a 30-day trial version of EE6, in case that matters.

EFDC_Explorer6 currently has the pre-processing capability of macroalgae disabled. However, EFDC_DSI will run a user generated ASCII input and EFDC_Explorer will allow post-processing of results. That said, we haven’t completed testing of this capability. We are happy to make this capability fully functional and complete testing if there are clients who have a need for it.