Import of Delft Grid(Bad Delft RFGGrid file format)


I am trying to import a grid I built in Delft3D version 4.02.02.

When I try to import the grid into EFDC Explorer 7.1 I receive the following error message, "Bad Delft RFGGrid file format". I am wondering if this is an incompatibility problem. Is Delft version 4.02.02 not compatible with EFDC Explorer 7.1?

Any help is appreciated to help solve this problem.

I send the grid file I wrote so you can see it.


Thank you for your question. You are correct, the grid you sent us does not load into EE7.1. This appears to be a bug with EE7.1. However, it does load correctly in EE7.2 and later releases. Our current release is EE8.2.2. Unfortunately, we cannot provide technical support for versions other than the current release.