Import delft3d grid

Hello all,
I developed my grid with RGFGRID, and interpolated the data with QUICKIN. To develop a new EFDC model, I am trying to import the grid file .grd AND depth file .dep. I find the option to choose the .grd file, but did not find a way to feed .dep file.
Is it possible to import the .dep file from QUICKIN with EFDC_Explorer

HI Hailiang,

I don’t think EFDC explorer has an feature to input the *.dep file from Delft3d directly in EFDC. However, you can create a bathymetry file in a *.xyz or *.dat format and then import in EFDC explorer. EFDC explorer has several data interpolation functions built in. I also use the same approach. First import the grid from delft3d and then create a bathymetry file in text format and then read it through EFDC explorer. In EFDC Explorer if you go to initial tab, then you can see “Set initial Conditions - Other Parameters”. Click on Bottom elevations and then you can choose a bathymetry file and then choose the interpolation options. I think you can take this approach.

Good Luck.


Thanks John,
That is really an alternative. But after I searched documents, I could not find the format requirement for the .xyz file in EE.
I suppose each row is x y z in order, and tested delimiters comma, space, and tab, they all work; but still want to figure out the format specification for bathymetry xyz file in EE.

Any thoughts on the format specification? Thx

HI Shen,

For EFDC Explorer you would need to create x, y, and z coordinate of each data point. Then you can save the data in either extension *.xyz or *.dat and then import it from the EFDC Explorer.
In EFDC Explorer if you go to initial tab, then you can see “Set initial Conditions - Other Parameters”. Click on Bottom elevations and then you can choose a bathymetry file and then choose the interpolation options.

What type of data do you have ? DO you have latitude longitude and elevation ? IF you have lat, long and you need to convert it to UTM coordinates then you can use CORPSCON software from NOAA website.

Hope it helps.



Thanks Jonh, my coordinate is NAD83-UTM Zone 17, which is local (in meters). I think within such a .xyz or .dat text file: a) each row is a point x, y, z, and b) no header for each column.

I am confused by this format and “Data Format B-2 TB2 XYZ Gridded Data” in EE manual page 195. I tested “Data Format B-2 TB2 XYZ Gridded Data”, and it will not work in interpolation.

shen wrote: Thanks Jonh, my coordinate is NAD83-UTM Zone 17, which is local (in meters). I think within such a .xyz or .dat text file: a) each row is a point x, y, z, and b) no header for each column.

I am confused by this format and "Data Format B-2 TB2 XYZ Gridded Data" in EE manual page 195. I tested "Data Format B-2 TB2 XYZ Gridded Data", and it will not work in interpolation.

Hi Shen,

Data format B-2 TB2 XYZ gridded data looks little bit confusing.

Just try the following format

1.2 2.2 5
1.22 2.3 4
1.3 2.5 5

While you prepare the table, you don't have to put x, y,z in the input file. You just need to specify X-coordinate, Y-coordinate and Z coordinate. There are several interpolation options in EFDC Explorer. The interpolation option depends on your data. If you have high resolution data then you can use Average all Z's in cells. However, if you don't have much data then you can use nearest neighbor Interpolation and also you can click on interpolate empty cells.
Let me know if it helps.


Hello John,
Thanks for instructions about importing grid file (.grd) and bathymetry data in .xyz format. I am new to EFDC Explorer and RGFGRID as well. When I import .grd file and .xyz file how do I generate other file Cell.INP , dxdy. INP, lxly.INP etc. required to run the grid in EFD? I do have sample master input EFDC.INP.

Just click the Save Project button (the 4th one from left on the main GUI), it will save the project specific files, including cell.inp, dxdy.inp, lxly.inp and some others.

Hi Shen,
Thanks a lot for your reply. My username ‘rnd12’ is somehow not working so I logged in as ‘dumby08’.
I tried File >> Save Project button. I got project saved as LakeOntario., grid5.grd file and grid5.enc file.
No cell.INP, dxdy.INP file etc.
Where am I going wrong?


We are not on the same page, Rumana. Follow these steps:

- In RGFGRID, File -> Export -> Grid (RGFGRID), this operation will generate .grd file, which will be imported into EFDC. From this point on, all operation will be in EFDC, and has nothing to do with RGFGRID,
- Click Generate New Model (the 2nd button on EFDC GUI),
- Leave Topographic Information File as blank, put your EFDC.inp into EFDC.INP Template File
- In the Grid Type group, choose Import Grid -> Delft RGFGrid,
- Input your .grd file into Delft3D RGFGrid Nodal Point File (GRD)
- Click Generate, now all your EFDC grid info is in memory,
- Click Save Project button (the step i was referring to), that will generate EFDC input files

Hi Shen,
Thank you very much for your reply.
I followed your steps. I tried to import a .grd file.
But when I click on ‘Generate’ button, I get error message: Error Importing Nodes. Input past end of file. Nothing Imported.
I know it sounds silly but where am I going wrong?
My email is If you can get me yours, I will send you my .grd file.


I am using trial version of EFDC Explorer, does that matter?


Hi All, I am trying to import a Delft RGFGrid file in EFDC Explorer. Shen directed me with the steps and I looked at user manual as well. But I am getting error message while trying to generate the model. The error message is: Error Importing Nodes. Input past end of file. I have attached a screenshot as well. My EFDC.INP template file is from a different project. And the grid I am trying to import is on Lake Ontario. I am using a trial version of EFDC Explorer. Can anyone help me out?

Hello All,
Shen Hailing helped me in this problem. I thought to share the solution as it can be useful to someone else.

The error I was getting in importing my RGFGrid was due to Linux Vs. Windows platform problem. My RGFGrid was set up at Linux platform. As suggested by Shen I converted my grid using a unix2dos ( converted and imported it in EFDC Explorer.
