I will contact you with questions about Simulation of Tidal Flats

Hello, I’m a PhD student at Chonnam National University in korea.I will contact you with questions about Simulation of Tidal Flats.If I set Card 5 -> ISDRY = -11, Card 6 -> ISTOPT = 1 in EFDC.INP, we will contact you with the following information.1) Heat exchange equations between Sea-surface (ocean surface) and atmosphere2) Heat exchange equation equation between the sea floor and the tidal flatI would like to ask each interactive equation for 1 and 2 and the source of the equations.Please make sure that EE5 version also uses the same equation as the latest version, and alsoinclude the modified equation as the version is upgraded.

Hi Young Kim,The theory for EFDC have recently been reviewed, updated and entered into a Knowledge Base. The equations for surface heat exchange can be found here:https://eemodelingsystem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ETG/pages/2356232/4.3+Surface+Heat+Exchage Note that there are several options for surface heat exchange in EFDC. The theory for the bed thermal model here:https://eemodelingsystem.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ETG/pages/2379570/4.4+Bed+Thermal+ModelYou should look at the EFDC code for EE5, if that is what you are using, to compare to the latest code. While bugs have been fixed and improvements made, no significant changes to the theory for these options have made to the EFDC code.

Thank you very much for your kind answers.However, I did not have the answers to some of the questions, so I decided to write them again.The model you presented was a heat exchange equation between the ocean bottom(sea-bed) and the bottom(bottom bed) when the water was full.In other words, the temperature of the bottom surface is affected by the temperature of the ocean bottom(sea-bed) .But I was wondering if the intertidal zone (the equation that exchanges heat with the ocean floor when water is missing)( = The equations for meteorological - interglacial zone heat exchange during exposure to low water in the intertidal zone)In the case of the intertidal zone, the influence of temperature and radiation set by ASER.inp is very large.I would like to ask you about equations and references for this part.From CALHEAT.FOR We would be grateful if you could provide references to these coefficients and constants such as SVPW(NET HEAT FLUX), CLDFAC(Net Atmospheric Radiation), FW(Evaporation),RC (Conduction)Thank you!

Currently in EFDC+, when a cell becomes dry, such as you describe for the tidal flats, it becomes inactive. Inactive cells do not calculate heat exchange, instead they maintain a constant temperature equal to that from just before the cell went dry. Allowing heat exchange for dry cells could be added to EFDC for a fee if it is really required.