How to set up TEMB.INP file?

I need to input spatially varying bed temperature for my model. I am using Full Heat Balance mechanism. How can I set up TEMB.INP file? I tried using a XYZ file (I,J, BedTemp) interpolating over the grid but as I save the model, I don’t see any TEMB.INP file generated.

I use an older version of EFDC Explorer (version 5). Please help me out.


Hi Rumana,

Please follow the following steps to create TEMP.inp file in EE5.
1. Turn on temperature module
2. You can use spatially varying temperature of bed for full heat balance and equilibrium temperature.
3. Create an aser file (atmospheric series file)
4. Click on Show params on Atmospheric series edit window:
5. In the “Atmospheric Parameters” window, change thermal thickness of bed to negative number (e.g., -1). After you have changed this number then EE will write temb.inp file.

Janesh Devkota