How to set open boundary as radiation separation condition?

Hi, I want to know how to set the open boundary as the radiation separation condition, but I do not know how to get the correct setting.

Take south boundary as an exmple, If I set ISPBS=0, and provide pser.inp file, then after the simulation, the water level at the boundary will be exactly the same as those you provided in pser.inp. However, if set ISPBS=1 OR 2 (that means using radiation separation boundary), after the simulation, the water level at the boundary will totally different from those data you provided in pser.inp.

so if I should set other parameters when using radiation separation boundary? Can somebody give me some advices? thanks very much!

Hi Zhou,

You should specify the time series in pser.inp and turn on radiation boundary – but the cells in the time series must then be linked to the boundary with card group C18 through to C21. We are looking at the impacts of this option versus specified elevation and will let you know if we find anything interesting.