How to get *.ldb and *.xyz by DEM data?

how to get *.ldb and *.xyz by DEM data?
thank you very much.

One approach is to use ArcGIS, where we can convert a DEM to XYZ file with the following two steps:
- Convert DEM to points using Conversion Tool (Raster to Point)
- Calculate coordinates with the Calculate Geometry function, then export to XYZ file

Note that EE7.0 can natively read some DEMs, such as the USGS BIL format for Digital Elevation Model (DEM). Some of the data file formats that EFDC_Explorer currently reads include:

DAT/TXT ASCII XYZ files with space, comma or tab delimited (Appendix B)
TB2/TP2 ASCII regular grid file (Appendix B)
P2D ASCII XYZ files grouped into polylines. Space, comma or tab delimited (see Appendix B)
2DM/3DM Surface Water Modeling System (SMS) mesh geometry file
PLT TecPlot formatted file
E00 ArcInfo Coverage Export file
BIL/DEM USGS BIL format for Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
GRD/ASC ArcInfo ASCII grid file