How to generate the Core_Field.SDF file for SEDZLJ

I built a variable surface sediment bed for my sediment transport model using the EFDC sediment routines. I’m now attempting to use the SEDZLJ routines so I’m in the process of generating the files: erate.sdf, core_field.sdf and bed.sdf. What I would like to do is export my sediment bed into a matrix format so the data can be easily input into core_field.sdf, as this file is in the form of a matrix with the core identification number for each cell (defined in the cell.inp file). Is there a way export the d50 into a base map format or another format that would enable me to build the core_field.sdf file without too much difficulty? As long as the output would be in a matrix format I could format the data in Excel. My grid is very large so making manual adjustments is quite tedious.

I’m using EE 7.1.


We recommend you review the source code as there are several versions of the input files for SEDZLJ. These include SNL, Sea Engineering and EPA. You need to ensure the data files are matching up with the EFDC_DSI version of the model. It may be possible to export the d50 to Tecplot and restructure however we are not sure if this is functional. DSI would like to develop a pre-processor for SEDZLJ and can to talk to you about further if you are interested.

Thank you for your reply.
I used the ‘SNL-EFDC: Sediment Transport User Manual’ to learn about how to build the required files for SEDZLJ. If there is another document that shows the required format for SEDZLJ input files to be compatible with EFDC-DSI, please let me know.
I used TecPlot to extract d50 and coordinates. Using Excel, I was able to correlate d50 and I and J on my grid. However, this is where it gets tricky, as I was not able to build the required matrix in Excel.
A pre-processor for SEDZLJ would be great and I certainly would like to learn more about it. The SEDZLJ routines seem to be built on very sound principles.
