How to extract maximum depth in all active cells in entire simulation

Dear Forum, I would like to ask if there is a shorter way of extracting maximum depth in all active cells in the entire duration of an EFDC model simulation. I am currently using EE 7.1 for flood inundation mapping of extreme rainfall events.

To illustrate, I am simulating a 100-year rainfall event. The simulation duration (excluding the warm-up) is 24 hours, with 10-min output for depths and velocities. In short I will have 144 snapshots of my simulation.

What I wanted to achieve is to get the maximum depth at each cell in my model domain during the 24 hour simulation period so that I could create a “Maximum Flood Depth Map” for the 100-year event.

So far, what I am doing is to first export the 144 snapshots into a tecplot file. And since tecplot file is just a text file, I manually extract from it the (X,Y,Depth) data for each snapshot. Then I paste this an excel file, then manually compute the maximum depth for each active cell. Once I get the max. depths, I just create an (X,Y,Depth) text file and then import this into a GIS software to create the Max Depth grid.

Is there a shorter way that I may have missed out? I am also looking for possibilities of digging the binary *.out files but I have no idea as to the structure of this kind of file.

Thanks for your ideas!

I don’t think there is a straight forward way of achieving in EFDC Explorer. You can try to take the source code of GetEFDC and try to modify the code to achieve your goal. However, this might not be that easy.


Hi jrsantillan

Did you find a solution to this? I am trying to do a similar thing and create “Max Water Levels” and “Max Velocities” maps to assess site viability for tidal stream devices, and the process you mentioned of outputting to text files, manually sorting and then importing to GIS is very time consuming!

Many thanks

Hello sce9sb4,
Unfortunately I have not found a shorter way of extracting max depths and velocities. I think it an alternative would be to create a python script to extract the desired data from the tecplot file, and to obtain the max values. I have examined the tecplot file and the depth (or velocity) values are located in specific portions of the file - the script can be written to extract the data at these specific portions.


– jrsantillan