Flow velocity direction

Dear all:
I have a model calculating point source discharge, boundary condition as flows:
Down: 13.5m;
Point: 20m3/s.
Dx and dy are 2.4m,4.0m and 2.2m,4.4m separately in 2point sources.

When checking velocity results, I found some confused phenomena, can you give me some suggestion?
(1) Velocity directions of 2 point sources always have upstream tendency, but near bottom elevation has no large charge.
(2) Velocity directions of upstream cells have also right deflection.

I want to know that how to consider point source discharge in your software, How to consider the direction of point source discharge?

how to upload pictures?

Hi Zhaxin,

I am afraid I cannot give you specific suggestions at this points because we haven’t looked at any pictures or the model itself. If you want you can upload your model here and give us some more information then we would be happy to look into those issues.

how to upload pictures?
As you have already noticed, the whole website layout has changed. There is a button on the bottom of the reply window where you can choose any file and attach to your reply. If you have the image hosted somewhere else, then you can use “Insert Image from URL” on the top and insert images.


Janesh Devkota