I encountered a problem relating to floating overflow (Error 72)/floating invalid when time step is 1 sec and negative depth error while changing the time step to 0.01, 0.1, and 20 sec. Could you please help to solve the issue?
Hello @manishamaharjan,
If you can upload your model input files, then we can have a look.
Thank you,
Thanks you Tom. I have sent the link to my input files. I think there is some discrepancy in my grid as it was meant to be. Please kindly suggest me.
We took a look at your model, and see the bathymetry is the main cause of the problems. You can see below that the bathymetry in the downstream is much higher than the upstream (the average bottom elevation in the downstream is about 45m while in the upstream is about 11m).
Also, the initial depth you set made most of the cells in the model dry, making the model unstable and causing the negative depth error.
Thank you. I will check the bathymetry again and run the model. Is the grid created okay in this case with the four boundary conditions? Or is it too complex?
The grid looks fine, EFDC can handle that without any problem so long as the boundaries are correctly set.