Examples and Testcases

Most EFDC examples I have seen so far were for large scale. Is EFDC also suitable for detailed hydrodynamics simulation (very localized, fine meshes, relatively strong 3-d or high velocity gradient)?

The “Testcases” section of our web page has some small scan flume examples. We have used it to duplicate a number of published papers. That said, EFDC uses a hydrostatic approximation for the vertical flows. Therefore, EFDC is not to be used in cases where there is significant vertical accelerations. High energy gradients and high velocity gradients are not particularly a problem.

EE_Development_Team wrote: The "Testcases" section of our web page has some small scan flume examples. We have used it to duplicate a number of published papers. That said, EFDC uses a hydrostatic approximation for the vertical flows. Therefore, EFDC is not to be used in cases where there is significant vertical accelerations. High energy gradients and high velocity gradients are not particularly a problem.
how about the disadvantage of sigma Coordinate?

Use of the sigma coordinate stretch doesn’t affect rapidly changing bathymetry as long as the depths are not changing significantly. However, problems may arise if there are significant differences in cell depth from cell to cell as sigma stretch doesn’t perform as well when there are rapidly varying depths. For example an ocean model that has adjacent cell depths varying by more than 20% or more may cause a problem.