Error when exporting Drifter output file by EE Interface or GetEFDC

I want to export the resluts of oil volumes(and depths) of every cells (not drifters). Firstly, I tried “Explot Tecplot” in 2D ViewPlan (“Export_EE_Interface.png”). But it only exported empty files with the size of zero. By the way, I can export other parameters succseefully in EE ViewPlan (e.g., velocity).As EE interface failed, I tried to use “.exe” of GetEFDC directly to extract “EE_DRIFTER.OUT”. Some errors occur, like “ERROR_Getefdc.png”. The drifter files have only one line (“Result.png”). Infact, I don’t want these “drifters”, I need values in each cells, like other parameters.I guess maybe this problem has some relations with the problem “Time series different from Grid view in LPT modeling”.Thanks for any advice.

Export of oil to Tecplot is not supported at this stage. Regarding GetEFDC, typically you cannot simply run the executable file. This code is provided to allow users to configure it for their own particular model. EE does some of the calculations for oil, so while you can use GetEFDC to extract the particle tracks and oil volume, it cannot extract the oil concentration or thickness.