Error in littoral zone about wetting/drying calculation

I am simualting a wetland, and have opened the “wetting & drying” option (Fig.1). Many times the model gives the error of “Negative depth” (Fig.2), and the cell which went wrong is always in littoral zone where the elevation is relavant high (though the wrong cell’s location would change). I find the solution in a blog (Errors in EFDC Model | My EFDC Blog), so I decrease the time step to 5s. It works. However, in the recommended “Tiem Step” in “Timing/Linkage”, the time step is 50s. So the model has to run much slowly, which is time confusing. I have two questions: (1)Is this solution right?(because I think the recommended 50s is the correct timestep I should take?) (2)Do you have some other methods to handle this Error?