EFDC v10.1_lsah data

I am a user using EFDC 10.1.
After completing the numerical simulation using c82 and c83 among the contents of the efdc.inp file, the LSHA.out file is received, but the contents of c83 appear to be unreadable in version 10.1.
Has the format of c83 changed?

Hi Sadam,
The C82 and C83 in efdc.inp file use for least squares harmonic analysis in which C82 tells if this function is used or not and the number of cell locations and C83 details the cell locations index and variables for analysis. The output is stored in LSHA.out.
For the issue that you had, it seems that the informations in C82 and C83 are not consistent. Could you send us the efdc.inp file from your model or just take a screen short of these two cards. Also, it is not clear about the EFDC versions. Are they both EFDC 10.1 but built on different date?
Thank you,

Dear Kien,

Thank you for taking care of this issue. FYI, here I copied the screen shot of C82 and C83, which the same user provided in the Korean post below. Thank you.