EFDC model generate in window XP error in Window 7

Dear EFDC,
I have generate and run the project model in window XP then I load the project in window 7 and appear error message (error in card C8, efdc.inp file cannot find).
Can you explain about it ?

Are you sure you are running the same version of EE on both computers and both Win OS? You cannot run EE6 on one and then run again in EE7 without saving the model again before running it. Have you been editing the efdc.inp file? Those are the two main reasons for such errors. EE automatically handles the cards for you within each version so you shouldn’t need to make any changes manually.

Hai Vankhai,
I used EE7 both on Window XP and Window 7.I dont edit anything. I try to run the sample test and still error (attached).
Can you explain about that ? Does EE7 aplicable in Window 7 ?
thanks before

EE7 definitely runs in XP and also on Win7 on separate computers. Are you running two operating systems on the same computer? If you installed EE in XP then try to run it in Win7 it could cause a problem. The line at the top of your run says you are running from Program FilesDSI. That isn’t the default installation folder for EE7. It should be in Program Files (x86). Does this model run when you run from XP ?

Hai Vankhai,

Thanks for your help. I installed EE7 in separate computer (one with XP and the other one with win7). I can run this project in XP. Because I need the more faster proccesor so I run my project in computer with win7. I save my project in C:program filesDSIEfdc Explorerfolder_name. Is it wrong ?or my installation wrong?



that is very strange. It sounds like the efdc.inp file has become corrupted in the testcase somehow. I suggest you deactivate EE7 on Win7 and uninstall and then reinstall the package.

Ok, I will try.