EFDC 모의 오류 질문드립니다 I can't plot. Please help me

계속 이런 오류가 뜨고 있습니다 해결책좀 부탁드립니다.
I keep getting these errors. Please give me a solution.

Please check the reasonableness of the initial temperature condition, and the reasonableness of the temperature data in the input series, and also check whether your time step is set reasonable.

Is this the problem? ㅇ ㅇ

I don’t think flow/water level boundaries are possible if the water temperature is below 0 degrees C.
Please check the flow value or water level at the same time the water temperature is less than 0.

I’ve changed the water depth. Is there a problem with the flow rate?

Are you still having problems running the model? if so please email the original model to bmhoa@dsi.llc and I will look into it.