Downstream Boundary Condition-Flow Out of Domain

Is there a way in which a "flow out of model domain boundary condition "(free) at the downstream end can be specified in EFDC ?


Is there a way in which a "flow out of model domain boundary condition "(free) at the downstream end can be specified in EFDC ?

Hi Rishab,

It is not possible to specify the flow out of model domain boundary condition (free). In EFDC you have one of the following options to specify as a boundary.
[li]Flow (discharge)[/li]
[li]Open boundary (water surface elevation / tides)[/li]
[li]Withdrawal and Return[/li]
[li] Hydraulic structure boundary: In the latest EE7.2 you can specify hydraulic structure as (a) flow derived from elevation difference (b) Flow derived from upstream depth (c) Flow derived from elevation difference with accelerations (d) Flow derived from US and DS elevations (e) Flow derived from upstream depth with low chord (f) Flow derived from elevation difference with low chord [/li]
[li] Jet plume boundary[/li]

To specify the flow out of the boundary where weir is located you could use weir equation. If you have a dam on the downstream then you could specify outflows (negative discharge) and you don't have to specify concentration for outflows. I hope it helps.
