Deactivate row of cells

I am wondering if there is a quick way to deactivate a couple rows of cells in a model. Can i just put 9s instead of 5s in cell.inp and celllt.inp files for these rows? thanks!

Hello MariaK, Yes, there is a quick way to deactivate rows of cells in a model. The best way to do that is use the EFDC Explorer itself. You can go to the viewing options in EFDC Explorer. Then Go to Bottom Elevation . After this click on “Enable Edit” and press “ALT” and right click and drag over a region where you want to deactivate the cells. The following option would appear and just uncheck “Active”. Then save your model. Your model will reflect the changes you made now. Best, Janesh Devkota

Thank you, Janesh! that’s exactly what i was looking for.