Correct exe file to use for EFDC_DSI ver131108

I can not make may model run. it displays the error that i should use the correct exe file.
im using the EFDC explorer 7.1 trial version 131108.

i have dowloaded fortran utitility 7.1 and use that exe file.

what is the correct exe file to used? and where can i get it?

many thanks.


You should not use the exe file for the fortran utility 7.1 with EFDC model. The utility exe is a separate exe file that allows the users to extract results from the output files such as “EE_VEL.OUT”, “EE_WC.OUT”, “EE_WS.OUT” etc. In your other post, you have shown the snapshot showing the error “getefdc.inp” not found. This means that to run the utility getefdc you need to provide “getefdc.inp” which stores all the information to run the utility program.

So, the correct exe you need to use is “EFDC_DSI_071_SGL_130528.exe”. This file can be found on “C:Program Files (x86)DSIEFDC_Explorer7.1”. I hope it helps. You should upload the file on EFDC_DS under “EFDC_Explorer Settings”.



thank you very much! I have found my exe file under program files x86 > dsi. :slight_smile: my model is now running. and i could now move forward to the nest step! thank you very much for your full support Janesh > EFDC_help I am now on this: {REMOVED} you may have any comment/suggetion on the reason of this floating overflow. for the meantime, i will read more to continue.


I am glad it worked it for you.


Please take a look at this thread to see if you can find out error in your model. Janesh