Changes in Wet Area over time

Hello,I’m analyzing a lake, and I’m trying to document the changes in the wet area of the lake over the model time period. I need a time series wetted area output file.Thanks,T

To display a time series for the wetted area, you can follow these 2 steps:1. Calculate the volume of the lake over the model time period. To do this, you need to open the model and go to the model analysis tab/Mass Balance Tool subtab, (Figure 1) click the Calculate Mass Balance button. Extract the series of data over time by volume (Figure 2).2. Go to 2D View, then press the Volume Elevation/No button to get the relationship between volume and area (Figure 3).It is then possible to calculate the wet area over time of the reservoir from Time series volume and relationship between volume and area

  • Hello, could you please send these three pictures again? thank you


Thank you very much!