Cell rigid bed

Dear EFDC team,
How do I make the one cell is not affected erosion (rigid bed)? Is this enabled in EFDC?

dyah2012 wrote: Dear EFDC team,
How do I make the one cell is not affected erosion (rigid bed)? Is this enabled in EFDC?

I think the answer is NO.

However, you can you mask for that cell (4 corners) but then it is not affected by hydrodynamic also.

We recommend you remove all sediment from that cell so that it has a sediment mass of 0. In this way it is essentially unerodable. Of course if sediment comes into this cell from another cell then it could still be re-suspended.

what do you mean by making zero thickness and zero sediment mass in view plan (enable edit sediment bed) ?

dyah2012 wrote: what do you mean by making zero thickness and zero sediment mass in view plan (enable edit sediment bed) ?
The Sediment mass should be changed to zero. Thanks.