CELL.INP/input.for question

Dear all,

Up until recently I was using EE6 to generate models, and running them with no problem.

Since changing to EE7, I get an error when reading in the input files - “LC DETERMINED IN CELLMAP INCONSISTENT WITH INPUT VALUE”

Has the format of cell.inp changed? what could I change in input.for to enable the input files to be read in correctly?

I notice that in CELL.INP the width is now 640 cells instead of 120.

Many thanks


I haven’t encountered any problem running the model generated using EFDC 6 with EE7. I think you should be able to run it with EE7. Could you upload your model with input files so that we could test on EE7 ? Any simple example model would be fine since it will be just a testing of compatibility of two version of EE.


Hi Janesh

Thanks for the reply

In fact, I use EE7 to generate the model, and source code originally from EFDC6 to run the model, since I am using a source code that has been modified for research purposes.
EFDC6 used to generate cell.inp of width 120 characters, whereas EFDC7 generates cell.inp with 640 character width.
Changing IACROSS etc. in input.for from 120 to 640 doesn’t seem to allow the newer format of cell.inp to be read correctly. so to get around this I have been copying and pasting a lot to move cell.inp around to the correct format.

Perhaps I could be sent the new DSI source code in order to update my input.for ?
