Can not select the executable file

The model can not run, while I found that the executable file may result in this problem, however, the executable file can not browse, can you help me to resolve this problem? Thank you. Attached files

The version of EE is 7.1, thank you.

Hi, looking at the picture you posted the link to the executable is not correct. When the text field is highlighted pink, it means that the pathname of the assigned file is incorrect. Please go ahead and click on the browse next to EFDC_DSI and then go to your program files(x 86)/ DSI / EE7.1 and find the executable (format: EFDC_DSI_071_SGL/OMP_YYMMDD.exe). Please let me know if it doesn’t work following my instructions.



Hi Janesh,
There is no response when I click the browse button, the path name is not included the "?"punctuation in fact. Thank you.

I reinstalled the EE, but a prompt box popped up which contents canbe referred to the attached files, thank you. Attached files