Bug about post-processing tool


When I used “Time Series Contour” in ViewPlan to check the results during the model was running,EFDC_DSI suddenly stopped. The error message show it can’t write datas into file EFDC.OUT. I guess the “Time Series Contour” tool must occupied the write permission. And I think read permission is enough!

Thank you for your question. This is not a bug. We recommend users always pause the EFDC_DSI model before viewing results. This is because when EE is reading a .OUT then EFDC cannot continue to open it to write and this can cause EFDC to crash. You can see a video on how to Run, Pause, View and Resume a model run here: - YouTube

I fond that “Time Series Contour” tool can’t release the write permissions until EFDC explorer was closed.
I think there still a bug in the “Time Series Contour” tool.