Boundary condition for tidal constituents settings

In EFDC, how to set the open boundary condition with tidal constituents? thank you.

cxf19850210 wrote: In EFDC, how to set the open condition with tidal constituents? thank you.

Hi, IN EFDC you can specify the tidal constituents as the open boundary condition. First you need to choose the Open BC while defining the boundary conditions/ forcing functions. After you have defined the cells where you want to define the boundary conditions. Then go to the Modify/Edit BC Properties. In this window on the middle right side there are options for you to choose what type of table (head table or periodic function) you want to choose. Then you look for the harmonic and click on the "E" button. After that a new window will pop up (Harmonic Tidal Boundary series). In this window, there are 3 options; constant, linear variation and quadratic variation. Go ahead and choose constant. First you need to know how many harmonic constituents do you know ? Change the number of series to 1. Then you should enter the symbol and period for the tidal constituents on both the forms i.e one on the left and one on the right. After you fill information on the left form then only the form on the right side will be activated.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any problems.


what do the phase mean in the form on the right side ?epoch of partial tide ?

Yes, it means the phase lag. You can see an example how the values are provided by NOAA here:,%20Dochet%20Island,%20ME&type=Harmonic%20Constituents

Thank you very much.

That site can’t connet…how can i see that Site?

Here you are for example.