About grid generation

Recently, I use CVLGrid 1.1 for generating grids. When I referred to a layer drawing splines and then generated grids,the software prompts me “There are insufficient splines intersecting to create a domain area". I can’t find the reason. Could someone find what’s wrong about it? Thanks!

Hi Jie, It looks like there are multiple splines in your attachment. One of your spline has not fully intersected to the two parallel shorelines. I would suggest you to create four splines that cross each other as shown in figure below: Sample splineGridUsing this method it is easier to diagnose while splines didn’t fully intersect to the other splines. So, I recommend you to delete the splines that are in the middle towards the width of the river channel and keep only at upstream and downstream. Then you should be able to create the grids using the remaining 4 splines. Send me your spline files for us to review if you still cannot figure out the issue. Janesh