A question about the boundary condition

Hello professor,

I have a question about the boundary condition: For example, I have 4 boundarys: A(Inflow)/B(Inflow)/C(Inflow)/D(Outflow), and I have time series of temperature and water quality of these 3 boundaries (A/B/C). But the time series of temperature and water quality ofD(Outflow) is unknown. When I edit boundary conditions, I should add time series of T and WQ of all these 4 stations?

Thank you very much!

Hello Chunxuezhang,

If you have the input (temperature and water quality) at three locations i.e 3 boundaries (A, B, and C), you don’t need to worry about the fourth i.e., outflow. If it is outflow all the time, you don’t need to provide the boundary conditions at this boundary because EFDC automatically calculates the outgoing concentration internally. However, if the water is going in and out and behaves as an open boundary you need to provide the boundary condition.

Janesh Devkota